

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/07)

2024年03月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
31956.tailgate (前の車の後ろにぴったりついて運転する. )
If someone starts tailgating you, stay calm.
31957.diplomat (外交官)someone who officially represents their government in a foreign country → ambassador 
I became a diplomat because i wanted to represent my country abroad. 
31958.bilateral(二国間の)involving two groups or nations  
The US and Japan have a bilateral alliance
31959.fillet (切り身にする)a piece of meat or fish without bones 
I've never learned how to fillet a fish. Can you show me?
31960.flake(削る、フレーク)a small thin piece that breaks away easily from something else 
Try some bonito flakes on top of your okonomiyaki.