故郷 |歌詞付き|日本の歌百選|兎追いし かの山
32061.fussy (ぐずる、騒ぎ立てる、小うるさい、神経質な、うるさくて )
She's been a bit fussy the past few days.
32062.what-cha-ma-call (あれ、何て言うんだっけ?」/「え〜、何だっけ? )spoken a word you use when you cannot remember the name of something
She's been a bit fussy the past few days.
32062.what-cha-ma-call (あれ、何て言うんだっけ?」/「え〜、何だっけ? )spoken a word you use when you cannot remember the name of something
Do you have a what-cha-ma-call-it for back pain?
32063.pain patch(湿布)
Do you mean pain(relieving) patch?
32064.on the tip of my tongue (のどまで出かかっている)if a word, name etc is on the tip of your tongue, you know it but cannot remember it
The name of that Filipino dessert is on the tip of my tongue.
The name of that Filipino dessert is on the tip of my tongue.
I’m embarrassed to say I've never heard of that person.