クリスマスソング「Frosty the Snowman(フロスティ・ザ・スノーマン)」 by Alan Sekiguchi
31976.give 100% to (~に全力投球する)
I admire the way he works. He's not necessarily successful, but he always give 100% to his work.
31977.count your blessings (恵まれていることに感謝する )
I admire the way he works. He's not necessarily successful, but he always give 100% to his work.
31977.count your blessings (恵まれていることに感謝する )
Even on the toughest days, I try to count my blessings and appreciate what I have.
31978.voluntary(自分の意志による、自主的な)done willingly and without being forced
Here at vocab Academy, we try to encourage voluntary learning.
31979.spontaneously (自発的に、無意識のうちに)something that is spontaneous has not been planned or organized, but happens by itself, or because you suddenly feel you want to do it
The crowd spontaneously started singing the Vocab Rider fighting song.
31980.self-evident(自明の、わかりきった)clearly true and needing no more proof 類義語 obvious
The crowd spontaneously started singing the Vocab Rider fighting song.
31980.self-evident(自明の、わかりきった)clearly true and needing no more proof 類義語 obvious
It's self-evident that studying abroad was good for Tom.