

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/10)

2024年03月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
31971.mind-boggling (びっくりさせる、肝がつぶれるような )difficult to imagine and very big, strange, or complicated 
The ancient people built it is mind-boggling
31972.uncalled for (不適切な、余計な)behaviour or remarks that are uncalled for are not fair or suitable 
That was uncalled for. You had no right to bring up his past like that. 
31973.Take that back(取り消しなさい)having two of something or two parts 
Take that back. I most certainly do not favor your sister over you . I love both equally.
31974.I can't wait (待ちきれません)
Spring break is just around the corner.I can 't wait.Finally, some time off.
31975.stoked(わくわくする)very pleased and excited 
I’m so stoked to go to the concert.