夜霧のしのび逢いLa Playa (1964年)
32531.shoot the breeze (おしゃべりをする )American English informal to have an informal conversation about unimportant things
We were having a few drinks and shooting the breeze.
32532.never keep one’s word (口先ばかり )
We were having a few drinks and shooting the breeze.
32532.never keep one’s word (口先ばかり )
I wouldn't trust him. He never keeps his word.
32533.know like the back of one’s hand(〜をよく知っている)someone born during a period when a lot of babies were born, especially between 1946 and 1964
Oh no! You should contact Sam. He knows cars like the back of his hand.
32534.live from hand to mouth (その日暮らしをする、かつかつの生活を送る) to have only just enough money to buy food
When I first started as freelance, I had to live hand-to-mouth.
32535.lose one’s touch(下手になる)
When I first started as freelance, I had to live hand-to-mouth.
32535.lose one’s touch(下手になる)
I know you didn’t win today, but you haven’t lost your touch. You’re just having a bad day.