

Daily Vocabulary(2024/07/07)

2024年07月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
32561.soaked (びしょ濡れで)very wet or wearing very wet clothes 類義語 drenched 
Why did you keep playing in the rain? you're soaked.
Honey, I had kids you-know-what in the closet. 
32563.care about(~に関心がある、~を大切にする)
 We need to start caring about the environment more before it's too late.
32564.skyrocket  (急上昇する、急騰する) if a price or an amount skyrockets, it greatly increases very quickly 
 Airfare prices skyrocket in the summer. 
32565.plummet (急落する)  to suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount 類義語 plunge 
The actor’s popularity plummeted when the scoop came out.