32656.pivotal (極めて重要な)more important than anything else in a situation, system etc 類義語 key
The Bank of England has a pivotal role in the London money market.
32657.upfront investment(先行投資)
The Bank of England has a pivotal role in the London money market.
32657.upfront investment(先行投資)
The management is committed to making upfront investments
32658.generate profit(利益を出す)
To generate profit, we should pursue a certain volume of transactions.
32659.frustration (挫折(ざせつ)、頓挫(とんざ)、失敗、失望、欲求不満 )the feeling of being annoyed, upset, or impatient, because you cannot control or change a situation, or achieve something
I'm writing to express our frustration regarding missing materials at construction site
32660.jeopardize (危険にさらす、危うくする ) to risk losing or spoiling something important
I'm writing to express our frustration regarding missing materials at construction site
32660.jeopardize (危険にさらす、危うくする ) to risk losing or spoiling something important
The absence of essential items is not only causing delays but also jeopardizing the quality of our works