

Daily Vocabulary(2024/07/11)

2024年07月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
32581.in season (旬)vegetables and fruit that are in season are cheap and easily available because it is the time of year when they are ready to eat. If they are out of season, they are expensive or not available 
Which fruit in in season?
32582.appetizer(前菜)a small dish that you eat at the beginning of a meal 
Which appetizer do you recommend?. 
32583.get on board(~乗り込む、~を引き入れる)
 Let see if we can get our management on board?.
32584.premature  (時期尚早) happening before the natural or proper time 
 It's a bit premature to say. 
32585.get the green light (賛同を得る)  
Let's try to get the green light from pur management.