32616.be equipped (備えている)
We're fully equipped to propose an appealing offer.
32617.set up(~の準備をする)
We're fully equipped to propose an appealing offer.
32617.set up(~の準備をする)
We have to set up everything for us to extend an attractive offer.
32618.hassle(面倒な)spoken something that is annoying, because it causes problems or is difficult to do
We provide a single point of contact for complex tasks, reducing the hassle for our customers.
32619.be on the horizon (待ち受けている、兆しが見える) to seem likely to happen in the future
What challenges might be on the horizon?.
32620.narrow down (絞り込む) to reduce the number of things included in a range
What challenges might be on the horizon?.
32620.narrow down (絞り込む) to reduce the number of things included in a range
I propose phrased approach that involved narrowing down target markets.