Retiree in paticular will be under special protection.
3242.hard sell(強引な販売、押し売り)
A car salesperson was giving Tom the hard sell.
3243.net worth(正味財産、自己資本、純財産、純資産)
It is estimated that the computer guru has a net worth of around 51 billion dollars.
There was a suspicious man hanging around the bank.
Tom's suave manner opened many doors.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Retiree in paticular will be under special protection.
3242.hard sell(強引な販売、押し売り)
A car salesperson was giving Tom the hard sell.
3243.net worth(正味財産、自己資本、純財産、純資産)
It is estimated that the computer guru has a net worth of around 51 billion dollars.
There was a suspicious man hanging around the bank.
Tom's suave manner opened many doors.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
