32756.exhausted(体力と精神力を使い果たす。へとへと) extremely tired 類義語 worn out
I’m exhausted from walking all day.
32757.beat(主に話し言葉で使う、くたくた )very tired 類義語 exhausted
It's been a tough week. I'm beat.
32758.drained(排出された→体力が残っていない、疲れ果てている)very tired and without any energy
You look completely drained.
32759.weary(体だけでなく心も疲れている、ぼろぼろ)very tired or bored, especially because you have been doing something for a long time
32760.tired(疲れている、上の4つの語より疲れ度合いは低い) feeling that you want to sleep or rest l’m tired from working overtime.
It's been a tough week. I'm beat.
32758.drained(排出された→体力が残っていない、疲れ果てている)very tired and without any energy
You look completely drained.
32759.weary(体だけでなく心も疲れている、ぼろぼろ)very tired or bored, especially because you have been doing something for a long time
32760.tired(疲れている、上の4つの語より疲れ度合いは低い) feeling that you want to sleep or rest l’m tired from working overtime.