32661.rectify ((…を)改正する、直す、修正する ) to correct something that is wrong 類義語 put right
I urged you to take immediate action to rectify this matter..
32662.this may have caused.(ご迷惑をおかけして)
I urged you to take immediate action to rectify this matter..
32662.this may have caused.(ご迷惑をおかけして)
I apologized for any inconvenience this may have caused.
32663.progress(進捗状況、進歩、発達、発展、前進、進行、成り行き、経過 )
Thank you for sharing the progress on this issue.
32664.root cause (根本原因) if a price or an amount skyrockets, it greatly increases very quickly
We're actively investigating the root cause of this issue.
32665.game-changer (画期的な事) something that completely changes a situation or activity
We're actively investigating the root cause of this issue.
32665.game-changer (画期的な事) something that completely changes a situation or activity
Incorporating my hobby of traveling with language learning has been a game -changer for me.