

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/02)

2024年04月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
32086.glitter (キラキラ t if someone’s eyes glitter, they shine very brightly and show a particular strong emotion 
Her glittering career ended when the scandal came to light. 
32087.fall behind  (~が遅れる / 遅れを取る )to go more slowly than other people so that they gradually move further ahead of you 
I've been so busy planning the wedding, I'm falling behind in my work. 
32088.bite the bullet (歯を食いしばって耐える )to start dealing with an unpleasant or dangerous situation because you cannot avoid it any longer 
We have to bite the bullet and pay it. We have to cut our losses. 
32089.In retrospect  (思い返してみると、今になって思えば )thinking back to a time in the past, especially with the advantage of knowing more now than you did then 
In retrospect, studying abroad was my best year in college 
32090.Looking back(思い返してみると、今になって思えば)
Looking back, that was the turning point in my life. 

