18096.be in order(必要である)
I think a word of caution is in order here.
18097.see past(~を無視する、~に惑わされない)
The big challenge is getting the generations to see past their biases and learn to work together toward a common objective.
18098.cross section of(~の断面図、~の代表的な例)
When a new project comes up, leaders try to organize teams that draw from a cross section of all generations.
18099.unwritten rules(不文律、暗黙のルール)
Every generation has its own idea of common sense and its own unwritten rules.
Management encourages harmonious collabolation by creating diversity and fostering cohesiveness with in workplace.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I think a word of caution is in order here.
18097.see past(~を無視する、~に惑わされない)
The big challenge is getting the generations to see past their biases and learn to work together toward a common objective.
18098.cross section of(~の断面図、~の代表的な例)
When a new project comes up, leaders try to organize teams that draw from a cross section of all generations.
18099.unwritten rules(不文律、暗黙のルール)
Every generation has its own idea of common sense and its own unwritten rules.
Management encourages harmonious collabolation by creating diversity and fostering cohesiveness with in workplace.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
