32436.lean toward(~の傾向がある)
I lean toward exotic cuisines when dining out.
32437.enhance (高める)to improve something
I lean toward exotic cuisines when dining out.
32437.enhance (高める)to improve something
Integrating these into our product lineup could enhance its acceptance in these markets..
32438.implication(示唆、含み)a possible future effect or result of an action, event, decision etc
No, that's not the implication.
32439.resonate with (~の共感を呼ぶ、~の心に響く)extremely excited or nervous about something
The movie’s theme resonated with viewers of all ages.
32440.cost-effectiveness(費用対効果)bringing the best possible profits or advantages for the lowest possible costs
The movie’s theme resonated with viewers of all ages.
32440.cost-effectiveness(費用対効果)bringing the best possible profits or advantages for the lowest possible costs
We may encounter a cost-effectiveness issue here.