

Daily Vocabulary(2024/07/06)

2024年07月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
32556.consider it done (お安い御用です )spoken used to say yes very willingly when someone asks you to do something for them 
Could you drive me to the airport tomorrow?’ ‘Consider it done.’ 
32557.croquette(コロッケ)a piece of crushed meat, fish, potato etc that is made into a small round piece, covered in breadcrumbs, and cooked in oil 
Croquette!  It's her favorite.
32558.taste tester(味見役)someone born during a period when a lot of babies were born, especially between 1946 and 1964 
 I will be a taste tester.
32559.pushed for time  (時間がなくて困っている) to not have much time, money etc 類義語 pressed 
 Actually I pushed for time. I need to get my report completed by Thursday.
32560.projection (予測、投影する) a statement or calculation about what something will be in the future or was in the past, based on information available now  
Have you seen Vocab Incorporated sales projection?. The numbers look great. 

