

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/21)

2024年09月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
32941.undefeated (負けたことのない、全勝の)
Asashomax is undefeated, but I know you can beat him.
32942.wrestle(組み打ちする、とっ組み合う、レスリングをする、とっ組み合いをする、(全力を尽くして)取り組む、戦う、苦闘する )to fight someone by holding them and pulling or pushing them 
John is big and strong, do I think he could wrestle anyone and win. 
32943.abundant(豊富な)something that is abundant exists or is available in large quantities so that there is more than enough OPP scarce 
This lake is abundant in fish.
32944.heavyweight(重量級の) a boxer who weighs more than 91 kilograms, and who belongs to the heaviest weight class of boxers 
 I'm amazed at how quickly heavyweight sumo wrestlers can move.
32945.abandan (~を諦める、見捨てる) to leave someone, especially someone you are responsible for → abandoned 
Don't ever abandon hope. 

