5006.set one's sights on(~に照準を合わせる)
She set her sights on getting the promotion within two months.
The meeting convened in the lower lobby of the hotel.
5008.kick off(試合・イベント・仕事・会議など始まる、始める、開始する)
Today kicks off another year of work.
5009.hold down(職に就いている)
My husband holds down two jobs to pay off his debt.
She endeared herself to him through her caring letters.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

She set her sights on getting the promotion within two months.
The meeting convened in the lower lobby of the hotel.
5008.kick off(試合・イベント・仕事・会議など始まる、始める、開始する)
Today kicks off another year of work.
5009.hold down(職に就いている)
My husband holds down two jobs to pay off his debt.
She endeared herself to him through her caring letters.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
