14261.fun and games(楽しいこと、おもしろいこと)
It is not all fun and games, drinks and crazy dances?
14262.professional function(仕事上の行事)
The office holiday party is fundamentally a professional function.
14263.unrestrained, alcohol-fueled behavior(酔いに任せての不謹慎な行動)
Unrestrained, alcohol-fueled behavior can make it a career-limiting event.
14264.be three sheets to the wind(へべれけになっている)
One junior employee who was at least three sheets to the wind decided to tell her boss.
What a nightmare Glad I wasn't there.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

It is not all fun and games, drinks and crazy dances?
14262.professional function(仕事上の行事)
The office holiday party is fundamentally a professional function.
14263.unrestrained, alcohol-fueled behavior(酔いに任せての不謹慎な行動)
Unrestrained, alcohol-fueled behavior can make it a career-limiting event.
14264.be three sheets to the wind(へべれけになっている)
One junior employee who was at least three sheets to the wind decided to tell her boss.
What a nightmare Glad I wasn't there.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
