18101.one-size-fits-all common sense(すべての場合に当てはまる常識)
We should all recognize there's there's no such thing as one-size-fits-all common sense.
18102.drill something into someone's head(~を人の頭に叩き込む)
my mother and father drilled it into my head that education was one of the most valuable assets anyone could possess.
18103.come someone's way(人に起きる、人の行く手におとずれる)
It greatly expands the mind, and the oppotunities that come person's way.
18104.work one's way up(次第に昇進する、苦労して進む)
Veterans should be proud of working their way up.
18105.buckle down(身を入れて取り組む、一生懸命に働く)
They were raised by people who did, so buckling down and getting the job done without complaint.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

We should all recognize there's there's no such thing as one-size-fits-all common sense.
18102.drill something into someone's head(~を人の頭に叩き込む)
my mother and father drilled it into my head that education was one of the most valuable assets anyone could possess.
18103.come someone's way(人に起きる、人の行く手におとずれる)
It greatly expands the mind, and the oppotunities that come person's way.
18104.work one's way up(次第に昇進する、苦労して進む)
Veterans should be proud of working their way up.
18105.buckle down(身を入れて取り組む、一生懸命に働く)
They were raised by people who did, so buckling down and getting the job done without complaint.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
