14311.feel for(~に同情する、~を思いやる)
Tom felt for Susie when she lost her dog.
14312.feel free to(遠慮なく・自由に~する)
Please feel free to help yourself with the coffee.
14313.feel like a million dollars(最高の気分だ、とても元気だ)
After a good massage, you feel like a million dollars.
14314.feel out of place(場違いな感じがする、居心地が悪い)
Dressed outlandishly at a business meeting, she felt out of place.
14315.feel pinched(お金に困る、経済的苦境に陥る)
Consumers are feeling pinched as cost of living keep rising.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Tom felt for Susie when she lost her dog.
14312.feel free to(遠慮なく・自由に~する)
Please feel free to help yourself with the coffee.
14313.feel like a million dollars(最高の気分だ、とても元気だ)
After a good massage, you feel like a million dollars.
14314.feel out of place(場違いな感じがする、居心地が悪い)
Dressed outlandishly at a business meeting, she felt out of place.
14315.feel pinched(お金に困る、経済的苦境に陥る)
Consumers are feeling pinched as cost of living keep rising.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
