Four years ago, our cameras captured the chaos inside a dangerous school called Strawberry Mansion. Students on a hair trigger. We watched the new principal racing to try to break up the fights. Her name, Linda Wayman, and she had set out to change the school.
And she ended every day with this one thought.
(Linda Cliatt-Wayman)
"And remember, if nobody told you they loved you today, you remember I do."
In a major achievement her first year, Wayman helped get 55 of her 92 seniors accepted to college, like this student Christine Holland, who didn't have money for the deposit. But four years ago, she didn't know that you, our viewers, were coming to help her change lives. You sent donations and that money set up 13 educational funds. One of the recipients, that shy girl Christine Holland.
Well, four years later, look at her now. She was given a full scholarship by Philadelphia University. Now, she is not only a college graduate in accounting, she has a scholarship to business school.
◆hair trigger 鋭敏な反応
◆race to 大急ぎで~する
◆set out to ~し始める、~しようと試みる
◆senior 最上級生
◆recipient 受給者
◆full scholarship 全額給付奨学金
◆business school 経営学大学院、ビジネススクール