

Daily Vocabulary(2019/01/11)

2019年01月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
22836.nod off(居眠りをする)to begin to sleep, usually when you do not intend to and are sitting somewhere
You were nodding off during class.
22837absence(欠席、不在)when you are not in the place where people expect you to be, or the time that you are away
How can I make up for my absence.
22838.snack(おやつ)a small amount of food that is eaten between main meals or instead of a meal
Do you want a snack
22839.stuffed(満腹の)completely full, so that you cannot eat any more
Don't eat until you're stuffed.
22840.refreshment((軽い)飲食物、軽食、茶菓、元気回復、気分をさわやかにすること、心身の爽快)small amounts of food and drink that are provided at a meeting, sports event etc
Did you place an order for the refreshments?

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