ヨハン・シュトラウス2世作曲 ポルカ「観光列車」
23326.angler(釣り人) someone who catches fish as a sport
She is an experienced angler.
23327.bait (えさ) food used to attract fish, animals, or birds so that you can catch them
Can you put bait on a hock.
23328.tide(塩の満ち引き)a current of water caused by the tide
I believe tides have a influence on fishing.
I inherited a love of animals from my mother.
23330.pollen(花粉)a fine powder produced by flowers, which is carried by the wind or by insects to other flowers of the same type, making them produce seeds
I wear sunglasses to prevent pollen from getting into my eyes.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
23321.process information(情報を処理する)
Being bilingual can be improve your ability to concentrate and process information.
23322.dementia (認知症)an illness that affects the brain and memory, and makes you gradually lose the ability to think and behave normally
It can also delay the onset of dementia.
23323.noticeable(顕著な)easy to notice
These effects are more noticeable in people who have been multilingual from an early age.
These effects are more noticeable in people who have been multilingual from an early age.
23324.cognitive(認識の )related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something
Just knowing a second language is seen as a sigh of cognitive ability and determination and solid education.
23325.boost to increase or improve something and make it more successful
to help someone reach a higher place by lifting or pushing them
Living overseas has really boost his self-confidence.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
![]() | 人は人を救えないが、「癒やす」ことはできる |
クリエーター情報なし | |
河出書房新社 |
第22回 編集者が選ぶ 雑誌ジャーナリズム賞作品賞 受賞!
第1章 家出
第2章 不登校
第3章 悲報
第4章 最後通牒
第5章 対決
第6章 反撃
第7章 悪魔の証明
第8章 判決
第9章 懲戒
終章 加害者は誰だったのか
著書に『スターリン 家族の肖像』(文藝春秋)、
23316.under the weather (体調不良 ) informal slightly ill
I feel a bit under the weather. I might've caught a cold. .
23317.not feeling well (気分が悪い )
I'm not feeling well. Can I take the rest of the day off?
23318.in bad shape(非常に体調が悪い )
She's in pretty bad shape. I hope she gets better soon.
23319.nauseous (むかつく、吐き気を催させるような、不快な ) feeling that you are going to vomit
The taste made me nauseous.
23320.My parents' (home) (実家)
I'm going to (go home and) visit my parents this weekend.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
23311.It's been a while (久しぶり)
Hey, how have you been? It's been a while.
23312.It's been a while(a long time/ages) since (〜をするのは久しぶり )
It's been a while since I came back home.
23313.For the first time in _______ days/months/years (◯◯日ぶりに / ◯◯ヶ月ぶり / ◯◯年ぶりに )
He's going back home for the first time in a few years.
23314.tangible(触れて感知できる、実体的な、有形の) clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen or noticed
The scheme must have tangible benefits for the unemployed.
23315.point to(指し示す、指示す、向く、向けさせる、向く )to mention something because you think it is important
23315.point to(指し示す、指示す、向く、向けさせる、向く )to mention something because you think it is important
Many politicians have pointed to the need for a written constitution.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
23306.misunderstand (勘違いをする・誤解する ) to fail to understand someone or something correctly u
I think there has been a misunderstanding.
23307.prodigy (非凡な人、天才、神童、驚異、不思議なもの )a young person who has a great natural ability in a subject or skill
Sota Fujii is a shogi prodigy.
23308.Come from ~ background (〜の環境で育つ )
You have to be patient with that kid. He comes from a troubled family background.
23309.blood, sweat and tears (最大限の努力 )extremely hard work
After many years of blood, sweat and tears, his dreams finally came true.
23310.come down with ((病気に)かかる )to get an illness
I came down with a cold. I feel terrible.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

New Zealand is stepping up gun control efforts following last week's shooting in Christchurch. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the country will outlaw semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles. Fifty people were killed in the attacks at two mosques.
Ardern said the new legislation is expected to be in place by April 11th.
(Jacinda Ardern / New Zealand Prime Minister)
"I absolutely believe there will be a common view amongst New Zealanders — those who use guns for legitimate purposes and those who have never touched one — that the time for the mass and easy availability of these weapons must end."
The new gun laws will ban all military-style semi-automatics, or MSSAs, and assault rifles. High-capacity magazines and parts that could be used to convert standard guns into MSSAs will also be banned. The shooter is suspected of using five legally obtained guns, including semi-automatic rifles.
Police are asking assault rifle owners to hand in their weapons voluntarily during an amnesty period. .
Ardern said the new legislation is expected to be in place by April 11th.
(Jacinda Ardern / New Zealand Prime Minister)
"I absolutely believe there will be a common view amongst New Zealanders — those who use guns for legitimate purposes and those who have never touched one — that the time for the mass and easy availability of these weapons must end."
The new gun laws will ban all military-style semi-automatics, or MSSAs, and assault rifles. High-capacity magazines and parts that could be used to convert standard guns into MSSAs will also be banned. The shooter is suspected of using five legally obtained guns, including semi-automatic rifles.
Police are asking assault rifle owners to hand in their weapons voluntarily during an amnesty period. .
◆step up強化する to increase the amount of an activity or the speed of a process in order to improve a situation
◆outlaw法的に禁止する to completely stop something by making it illegal
◆assault rifle突撃銃
◆legitimate正当な fair or reasonable
◆magazine弾倉 the part of a gun that holds the bullets
◆hand in差し出す
◆voluntarily自発的に if you do something voluntarily, you do it willingly, without anyone telling you to do it
◆amnesty恩赦、執行停止期間 an official order by a government that allows a particular group of prisoners to go free a period of time when you can admit to doing something illegal without being punished
23301.get over to become well again after an illness, to begin to feel better after a very upsetting experience
She got over the disappointment of losing the game.
23302.chill (くつろぐ)
We can spend each day chilling on the famous white sand beaches.
23303.I thought (〜だと勘違いしていた )
They're closed! I thought they were open 24/7. .
23304.I mixed up the ((日程や時間を)勘違いする )
I mixed up the dates. I thought my English lesson was today.
23305.I was under the impression that (てっきり〜だと思っていた )
I was under the impression that she was moving to Australia.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Gongsun Chao of Wei asked Zi Gong, "Who was a Confucius' teacher?" Zi Gong replied, "The way of King Wen and King Wu has been in existence around the people. The wise remember important things of those. Others remember other things of those. There are the way of King Wen and King Wu everywhere. Confucius has learned from anyone. So he did not have a specific teacher."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
23296.straight (続けて )happening one after the other in a series
It’s been raining for 6 straight days. When is it going to stop? .
23297.streak (連続)
We need to snap our 3 game losing streak today.
23298.Have a sweet tooth (甘党)
My sister has always had a sweet tooth since she was a kid.
23299.put on on to put a piece of clothing on your body
He took off his uniform and put on a sweater and trousers. .
23300.ask 人 to do ..(人に…するように頼む )
I asked her to come over to our house this Saturday.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
23291.hide-and-seek a children’s game in which one player shuts their eyes while the others hide, and then goes to look for them
Toddlers were playing hide-and-seek in and out of the sand-pit; two little girls were cooking pebbles on a Fisher-Price cooker.
23292.There's no point ~ing (~しても何にもならない)
There's no point crying over split milk.
23293.give a talk(講演する)
Tom gave a facilitating talk about the culture and history of Italy.
23294.Can you look it up? (ちょっと調べてもらえる? )
Can you look it up online?
23295.In a row (連続して )happening a number of times, one after the other
I went to the gym 5 days in a row.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News