

Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/07)

2019年12月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
24446.pay off (報われる / 借金を完済する ) off to give someone all the money you owe them / if something you do pays off, it is successful or has a good result 
I believe that hard work pays off.
24447.paramount (極めて重要 )more important than anything else
Of course, money and stability is important but for me, passion is paramount
24448.for and against (賛成と反対・賛否・是非 )
There are (both) arguments for and against legalizing same-sex marriage.
24449.with flying colors(大成功を収めて、見事 )if you pass a test with flying colours, you are very successful in it→ flying   
It is incredibly difficult to pass but I passed it with flying colors.
I highly recommend the program to you. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/06)

2019年12月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
24441.in the first place(最初に) used to talk about the beginning of a situation, or the situation before something happened
Why didn't you say that in the first place?.
24442.eager(切望して)very keen and excited about something that is going to happen or about something you want to do 
The student are all eager to hear their examination results.
24443.Are you with me?((私の言っていること)分かりますか?)
I've covered a lot so far. Are you still with me
24444.solid (しっかりした / 素晴らしい) hard or firm, with a fixed shape, and not a liquid or gas   
 Your English is solid. Did you study abroad?
24445.as ever (いつもより)as always happens   
He is as broke as ever

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/05)

2019年12月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
24436.applaud(拍手かっさいする、ほめる)to hit your open hands together, to show that you have enjoyed a play, concert, speaker etc 類義語 clap 
It was so satisfying to hear the audience applauding our performance.
24437.That's the spirit(その意気だ)spoken used to express approval of someone’s behaviour or attitude
That's the spirit
24438.talk to(~と話す)
Nancy is easy to talk to.
24439.scatterbrained(落ち着きがない、注意力散漫)not thinking in a practical way, so that you cannot do things or you forget or lose things   
 Haruto is sure to forget,he's so scatterbrained.
24440.absent-minded(ぼんやりした、うわの空の、忘れっぽい)likely to forget things, especially because you are thinking about something else 類義語 forgetful   
 Granddad's been getting rather absent-minded lately.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2019年12月04日 | 爺英語

Shinzo Abe has become Japan's longest-serving prime minister, breaking a record set over a century ago. Abe's total tenure reached 2,887 days on Wednesday.
Abe first became prime minister in 2006, but resigned a year later over health issues. Since returning to the top post in December 2012, he has prioritized the economy and has implemented financial, fiscal, and regional revitalization programs.
But his tenure in office has also drawn criticism over allegations of influence peddling and document tampering by officials.
There's no term limit for a prime minister in Japan. But Abe's third and final session as president of the main governing Liberal Democratic Party will end in September 2021, setting an effective limit on his premiership. Until then, he is likely to pursue his long-held wish of amending the Constitution.
implement 実行する  
influence peddling 利益誘導    
tampering 改ざん  

Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/04)

2019年12月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
24431.deserted island(無人島)
If you were to go to a deserted island、what would you bring?
24432.unlikely(~しなさそう) not likely to happen 
The match is unlikely to be cancelled, despite of  rain.
24433.good chance(十分なチャンス)
Do you think she has a good chance to win?
24434.annoy(いらだたせる、怒らせる、悩ます、困らせ )to make someone feel slightly angry and unhappy about something 類義語 irritate   
Patrick's presence at the party is likely to annoy Leo.
24435.assignment(宿題、研究課題、割り当てられた仕事)a piece of work that is given to someone as part of their job /  a piece of work that a student is asked to do 
I have three assignments to finish by tomorrow. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第二十四段

2019年12月03日 | 徒然草を読む






Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/03)

2019年12月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
24426.tap water(水道水)water that comes out of a tap rather than a bottle 
Can we  drink the tap water?
24427.one week's worth(一週間分)
we need one week's worth of food and water.
24428.You might wanna(~したほうがいい)
You might wanna get some extra diapers.
24429.first-aid kit(救急箱)a special bag or box containing bandages and medicines to treat people who are injured or become ill suddenly   
 Please bring me the first-aid kit?.
24425.keep our fingers crossed(幸運を祈る)  
Yeah. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/02)

2019年12月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
24421.come up with (アイデアや考えを思いついたり、答えを見つけ出すこと)
How did you come up with a lie like that? 
24422.figure out (いいこと思いついた )
This is too difficult. I can't figure it out.
24423.hangout (たまり場 )
Is it true that McDonald’s is a popular hangout for Japanese students?
24424.wasted (泥酔)  informal very drunk or affected by drugs  
Steve was wasted last night. I’m pretty sure he blacked out. 
24425.sober (素面)not drunk   
I’m going to stay sober tonight. I have to drive.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/01)

2019年12月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
24416.identical twins(一卵性双生児)one of a pair of brothers or sisters born at the same time, who develop from the same egg and look almost exactly alike → fraternal twin 
Even I sometimes have trouble telling my identical twins apart.
24417.a thing or two(いくらかのもの)
Maybe you could learn a thing or two from her.
24418.genetic makeup(遺伝子構造)
Is it true that humans and chimpanzees share a similar genetic makeup.
24419.valuable asset(将来ある人材)  
She will become a really valuable asset over time.
24420.recruit(新入社員)someone who has recently joined an organization, team, group of people etc   
What do you think of Mika、the new recruit?

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News