

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/06)

2020年09月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
25906.sort(分類する)a group or class of people, things etc that have similar qualities or features SYN type, kind  
Do you want me to sort by first or last name? 
25907.take a while(少し時間が掛かる)
It takes a while to learn the function.
25908.the whole point(全論点)used to emphasize the purpose for doing something, especially when you believe this is unclear or has been forgotten 
The whole point of the party is have a fun.
25909.jump in(会話などに割り込む) to experience physical or mental pain 
Can I just jump in for a second?
25910.mountain range (山脈)  
The mountain range divides the two countries

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2020年09月05日 | 読書日記

1961年岩手県生まれ。筑波大学大学院医学研究科博士課程修了。医学博士。爽風会佐々木病院等を経て、筑波大学医学医療系社会精神保健学教授。オープンダイアローグ・ネットワーク・ジャパン(ODNJP)共同代表。専門は思春期精神医学、病跡学。『文脈病 ラカン・ベイトソン・マトゥラーナ』(青土社)、『社会的ひきこもり 終わらない思春期』(PHP新書)、『思春期ポストモダン 成熟はいかにして可能か』(幻冬舎新書)、『世界が土曜の夜の夢なら ヤンキーと精神分析』(角川書店、第11回角川財団学芸賞)、『オープンダイアローグがひらく精神医療』(日本評論社)、『開かれた対話と未来 今この瞬間に他者を思いやる』(監訳、医学書院)など著訳書多数。




Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/05)

2020年09月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
25901.ake a commitment(〜をすると決心する・誓う)
I made a commitment to exercise daily and eat healthy. 
25902.consistent(着実な、首尾一貫したcontinuing to happen or develop in the same way 
There's no secret. I just made a commitment to study and speak English every day. You just have to be consistent.
25903.hit traffic jam(渋滞にあう)
You always hit traffic jams.
25904.I get that a lot(よくそう言われます)
Yeah I know, I get that all the time. But I've always wanted to live on an island and live a simple life.
25905.struggle(苦労する、悪戦苦闘する) If you struggle to do something, you try hard to do it, even though other people or things may be making it difficult for you to succeed.   
My son is struggling with his homework. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/04)

2020年09月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
25896.white lie(罪のないウソ)a lie that you tell someone in order to protect them or avoid hurting their feelings 
I told you a white lie so you would not be disappointed. 
25897.I'm obsessed with(〜にすごくはまっている / 〜で頭がいっぱい)
When I was in high school, I was obsessed with SMAP!
25898.I'm hooked on(〜にはまっている / 〜の虜になっている)
My dog is hooked on these doggy-treats. 
25899.turn out(~になる) to experience physical or mental pain 
The event last night was a big success. Everything turned out as planned.
25900.end up(最終的に〜なる,結局に〜になる) to be in a particular situation, state, or place after a series of events, especially when you did not plan it  
I was planning on studying English today but I ended up watching a couple movies. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/03)

2020年09月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
25891.know(learn) it by heart(暗記する)when you know something by heart, you remember all of it exactly 
When I was a kid, I had to write the same kanji over and over in my notebook. Now I just know it by heart
25892.reconcile(調和させる)if you reconcile two ideas, situations, or facts, you find a way in which they can both be true or acceptable 
It’s difficult to reconcile work and family life.
25893.cover(取り上げる)to include or deal with a particular subject or group of things 
That pretty much covers everything. Do you guys have any questions?
25894.spoil(甘やかす) to give a child everything they want, or let them do whatever they want, often with the result that they behave badly 
I'm an only child. Looking back, I'd say I was pretty spoiled as a child.
25895.bundle up (厚着する / 着込む) o put warm clothes on someone or yourself because it is cold 類義語 wrap up   
It's freezing tonight. You should bundle up. I don't think that sweater is going to be enough. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年09月02日 | 爺英語

"Motorists in Japan will soon be able to drive faster on expressways. "
"The speed limit on certain sections will be raised from 100 to 120 kilometers per hour."
The current limit has been in place since the country's first expressway opened in 1963. But people today often drive faster than 100 kilometers per hour.
The National Police Agency raised its limit in some places on a trial basis while monitoring the rate of traffic accidents.
It concluded that a higher maximum speed would not lead to safety problems on road sections that meet certain conditions, such as having few curves and three or more lanes.
The new speed limit will initially apply only to certain regions, including central and northeastern Japan.
Drivers of trucks and other large vehicles are excluded. They will remain restricted to 80 kilometers per hour.

in place  (施策、法律などが)施行されて、実施されて  If something such as a law, a policy, or an administrative structure is in place, it is working or able to be used. 
on a trial basis  試験的に for the purpose of assessment

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/02)

2020年09月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
25886.genie(精霊) (in fairy tales and stories) a servant who appears by magic and fulfils a person's wishes 
Make a wish, and the genie will set a price?
25887.soul mate(気性の合った人、愛人) A soul mate is someone with whom you share a close friendship and deep personal understanding. 
I realized that woman was my destined soul mate.
25888.tidy(きちんとする,片づける,整頓(せいとん)する)to make a place look tidy 
Have you tidied up your room? 
25889.in no hurry(急いでいない) to experience physical or mental pain 
Oh, take your time。I'm in no hurry.
25890.be bad at (苦手である) extremely tired   
I'really bad at understanding those manuals

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第六十三段

2020年09月01日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/01)

2020年09月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
25881.mackerel(さば)A mackerel is a sea fish with a dark, patterned back. 
Examples of foods that contain beneficial fats are oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel
25882.get back together(よりを戻す,仲直りをする )
I figured they were going to get back together. They've been off and on for the past few years. .
25883.make up(仲直りする)If two people make up or make it up after a quarrel or disagreement, they become friends again. 
Tom and Ben are cool now. They made up with each other. 
25884.repercussion(悪影響)If an action or event has repercussions, it causes unpleasant things to happen some time after the original action or event. 
What repercussions do you think the coronavirus will have on the economy?
25885.hidden spots(あまり知られていない場所) 
I came across a nice hidden spot by the train station yesterday. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News