

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/14)

2020年09月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
25946.join the club(私もだよ)spoken used after someone has described a bad situation that they are in, to tell them that you are in the same situation 
You didn't pass your test? Join the club
25947.come rain or shine(何があっても〜する / どんなことが起きても~する )spoken whatever happens or whatever the weather is like 
We'll go golfing this weekend, come rain or shine.
25948.When it rains, it pours(ついてないときはとことんついてない)
I ended my day by getting a speeding ticket. When it rains, it pours
25949.get a ride(他の人が運転する車に乗せてもらうこと) to experience physical or mental pain 
I can give you a ride to the airport.
25950.hop in(乗りなよ) extremely tired   
Come on, hop in. It's raining outside.  

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