

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/14)

2020年09月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
25946.join the club(私もだよ)spoken used after someone has described a bad situation that they are in, to tell them that you are in the same situation 
You didn't pass your test? Join the club
25947.come rain or shine(何があっても〜する / どんなことが起きても~する )spoken whatever happens or whatever the weather is like 
We'll go golfing this weekend, come rain or shine.
25948.When it rains, it pours(ついてないときはとことんついてない)
I ended my day by getting a speeding ticket. When it rains, it pours
25949.get a ride(他の人が運転する車に乗せてもらうこと) to experience physical or mental pain 
I can give you a ride to the airport.
25950.hop in(乗りなよ) extremely tired   
Come on, hop in. It's raining outside.  

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/13)

2020年09月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
25941.carry around(持ち歩く)
Make sure you carry around some form of ID, especially if you're going to go out drinking. 
25942.get around to(~するための時間を見つける)When you get around to doing something that you have delayed doing or have been too busy to do, you finally do it. 
Sorry, I was really busy today and I didn’t get around to it. I’ll do it first thing tomorrow morning.
25943.afterwards(後で / その後)after an event or time that has already been mentioned 
I went to the gym and studied English at a cafe afterwards 
25944.have/feel an affinity for(with) (〜に親近感を抱く / 〜に好感をもつ / 〜に親しみがある) t  a strong feeling that you like and understand someone or something 
I listen to all genres of music but I've always had an affinity for jazz.
25945.take advantage of(~を利用する / 〜を生かす / ~をだます / 〜を悪用する ) to treat someone unfairly in order to get what you want, especially someone who is generous or easily persuaded 
Just have fun. Your time in Los Angeles is going to fly by so take advantage of every opportunity and make the most of it 
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

夫のトリセツ (講談社+α新書)

2020年09月12日 | 読書日記
夫婦70年時代のバイブル!40万部突破の『妻のトリセツ』、待望の第2弾! --

◆著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)◆




Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/12)

2020年09月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
25936.immaculate(よごれていない、しみひとつない、欠点のない、完全な、清浄な、純潔な)very clean and tidy OPP messy 
Everything was immaculate. I was impressed by how clean the city was. 
25937.afterwards(後で / その後)after an event or time that has already been mentioned 
I’m at the gym right now. I’ll hit you up afterwards.
25938.jack up(値上げする / 料金を引き上げる)to increase prices, sales etc by a large amount 
My credit card company jacked up the interest rates.
25939.throw a fit(激怒する / 頭に血がのぼる / 逆上する) to be very angry or shocked 
He's fine. He's just throwing a fit because his mom took his iPad away from him.
25935.believe it or not(信じようと信じまいが) used when you are saying something that is true but surprising   
Believe it or not., Norio is 70 years old.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/11)

2020年09月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
25931.cut back(〔…を〕削減する、減少させる、短くする)to reduce the amount, size, cost etc of something 
Education spending cannot be cut back any further. 
25932.call off((…を)呼んで去らせる、中止を宣言する、取り消す、手を引く)to decide that a planned event will not take place SYN cancel 
The trip to Italy might be called off 
25933.cut down(伐(き)る、切り詰める、切り下げる、倒す、長さ・寸法などを切り詰める、縮める、削減する、(…を)減量する、値切る )
If you spend more than your income, can you try to cut down? 
25934.work one's tail off  (一生懸命働く / 身を粉にして働く) 
Yeah we worked our tails off today. Why don't we go grab a drink?
25935.work diligently(熱心に取り組む / 一生懸命働く) extremely tired   
I think she's doing great. She's a very diligent worker.  

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/10)

2020年09月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
25926.welcome to(自由に~していい)spoken used to say that someone can have something if they want it, because you certainly do not want it 
You are welcome to use the laptops and the tablets in this room. 
25927.cut in to interrupt someone who is speaking by saying something 
Sorry to cut in on you, but there are one or two things I don’t understand
25928.cut in to suddenly drive in front of a moving car in a dangerous way 
She cut in on a red Ford, forcing the driver to brake heavily . 
25929.drop out to leave a school or university before your course has finished 
Bill dropped out of college after his first year.
25930.fill up((…を)いっぱいに満たす、満員にする、満タンにする ) extremely tired   
Please fill up the tank when you return the car. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年09月09日 | 爺英語

An operator of Japan's iconic bullet trains has come up with a novel response to plunging passenger numbers amid the pandemic.
It's testing using empty seats to speed fresh seafood to the heart of Tokyo.
The first train to take part in the trial project set off on Wednesday from the northeastern prefecture of Miyagi.
One of its carriages was loaded with cooled boxes of products, such as the region's famous oysters.
East Japan Railway says passenger numbers last week on the Tohoku Shinkansen were only 30 percent of the figures a year earlier.
The train zipped to the capital in about two hours. Its tasty cargo was soon being served up at a restaurant in Tokyo Station.
Fish dealers welcomed the project. They say it means diners can tuck into food 24 hours earlier than with products delivered by truck.

come up with ((考えや計画などを)思いつく、考え出す、着想する、(答えなどを)見つけ出す)  to think of an idea, answer etc 
novel 新しい not like anything known before, and unusual or interesting 
plunge ((数字などが)急落する )  to move, fall, or be thrown suddenly forwards or downwards plunge off/into etc 
speed (疾走する、急いで走る、急送する)  fo go quickly 
set off (出発する )  to start to go somewhere 
zip ビュッと素早く動く、勢いよく進む、ビュンビュン飛ばす  informal to go somewhere or do something very quickly  
serve up ((料理を)食卓に出す、提供する )  to give food to someone as part of a meal  
tuck into 食べ物をモリモリ、ガツガツ食べる、おなかに詰め込む  for the purpose of assessment 

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/09)

2020年09月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
25921.concluding remarks(結びの言葉)to arrange for something to happen at a different time from the one that was previously planned 
Just wait until I've made my concluding remarks, will you?
25922.local favorite(地元の人気スポット)
It's a local favorite.
25923.outlet(コンセント) American English a place on a wall where you can connect electrical equipment to the supply of electricity SYN power point British English 
Can you see the outlet? We can charge phones over there. 
25924.merchandise shop(グッズショッップ)  
The merchandise shop on the fifth floor.
25925.concession stand(売店) a small business that sells food, drinks, or other things at sports events, theaters etc  
The concession stand is right over there. But it's not yet open. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/08)

2020年09月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
25916.conspiracy(陰謀)Conspiracy is the secret planning by a group of people to do something illegal. 
You don't believe those conspiracy, do you?
25917.plagiarize(盗む、剽窃(ひようせつ)する)If someone plagiarizes another person's idea or work, they use it or copy it and pretend that they thought of it or created it. 
Are you implying that this article has been plagiarized?
25918.move on to(~に議題を移す)
Before you move on to the next point, I'd like to make a couple of comments. 
25919.leap(飛躍) If you leap, you jump high in the air or jump a long distance. 
Isn't  it  a bit of leap?
25920.train of thought(思考のつながり) a related series of thoughts that are developing in your mind 
The phone interrupted my train of thought.  

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第六十四段

2020年09月08日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/07)

2020年09月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
25911.pile(山のように積み重なったもの) a group of several things of the same type that are put on top of each other 類義語 stack 
I have a pile of work I need to catch up on this weekend. 
25912.feel guilty(罪悪感を覚える)feeling very ashamed and sad because you know that you have done something wrong 
I feel guilty about not inviting Matt to the trip. But it wasn’t intentional. I just forgot.
25913.hand someone something(~を手渡す)
Would you mind handing these documents to your supervisor? 
25914.jump in(会話などに割り込む) to interrupt someone or suddenly join a conversation  
Can I jump in for a second?
25915.cover up(事実を隠す) If you cover up something that you do not want people to know about, you hide the truth about it.    
They're obviously covering up the truth. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News