There is no treasure more precious than a child.
1012.by the skin of one's teeth (間一髪で、際どいところで、辛うじて)
By the skin of your teeth you won the game.
1013.make believe(~のふりをする、らしく見せかける)
He made believe he had nothing to do with it.
NY is an abbreviation of New York.
The professor cited the information in his seminar.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

There is no treasure more precious than a child.
1012.by the skin of one's teeth (間一髪で、際どいところで、辛うじて)
By the skin of your teeth you won the game.
1013.make believe(~のふりをする、らしく見せかける)
He made believe he had nothing to do with it.
NY is an abbreviation of New York.
The professor cited the information in his seminar.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News