1231.aim at
Please don't aim at people with that gun, even if it is only a toy.
1232.take your time(時間をかけて構わないよ。ゆっくりどうぞ。急がなくていいよ)
Please take your time and do the job properly.
1233.gut issue(感情的争点、基本的な問題、根本問題)
Tom's knack for identifying his cinstituency's gut issue keep getting him reelected.
1234.in a spirit of (~の精神を尊重して、~の精神で)
In a sprit of cooperation,the head negotiator offered a large concessin.
Susie prepped three patients for surgery this morning.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Please don't aim at people with that gun, even if it is only a toy.
1232.take your time(時間をかけて構わないよ。ゆっくりどうぞ。急がなくていいよ)
Please take your time and do the job properly.
1233.gut issue(感情的争点、基本的な問題、根本問題)
Tom's knack for identifying his cinstituency's gut issue keep getting him reelected.
1234.in a spirit of (~の精神を尊重して、~の精神で)
In a sprit of cooperation,the head negotiator offered a large concessin.
Susie prepped three patients for surgery this morning.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News