

Daily Vocabulary(2008/02/13)

2008年02月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
5246.come across(~に出くわす、~をふと[偶然]見つける、~を見掛ける)
I came across interesting article in newspaper yesterday.
5247.go for(気に入る、好む、好きである、楽しむ)
We could go for a drive tomorrow, if you like.
5248.sink or swim(いちかばちか◆【直訳】沈むか浮くか)
We have to go to sink or swim.
5249.take it or leave it(申し出に対して受けるか否か、のるかそるか◆それ以上の交渉は受けないという意味)
That is a final offer, take it or leave it.
5250.give or take(~の増減を含んで、およそ)
I spent two hours Jogging yesterday,give or take a few minutes.
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