He had an aura of professsionalism about him.
I like his personality.He is very outgoing.
8063.win-win solution(双方にメリットのある解決策)
You presented a win-win solution.
8064.spot on(完全に正しい)
I spent a lot of time preparing the presentation, but I wasn't sure it was spot on.
8065.one step closer(一歩近づいて)
Your contribution brings us one step closer to completing the project.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
He had an aura of professsionalism about him.
I like his personality.He is very outgoing.
8063.win-win solution(双方にメリットのある解決策)
You presented a win-win solution.
8064.spot on(完全に正しい)
I spent a lot of time preparing the presentation, but I wasn't sure it was spot on.
8065.one step closer(一歩近づいて)
Your contribution brings us one step closer to completing the project.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News