

Daily Vocabulary(2010/02/11)

2010年02月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
8861.be fluent in(言葉を流ちょうに操る)
Candidates must be fluent in English.
8862.old fogy(時代遅れの人、頭の古い人)
He's an old fogy.
8863.be doomed to(~の運命にある)
We are probably doomed to never fully mastering the new digital technology.
8864.middle ground(中道、中間的な考え、方法、妥協案)
We tried to find a middle ground between being overly strict and overly permissive.
8865.have access to(~に自由に出入りできる、~を入手できる)
Minors should not have access to alcohol or cigarettes.
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