コブクロ/虹 【PV】 歌詞付き
8891.wiggle room(検討の余地)
There may be some wiggle room though.
I woukd like you to consider alternative plan.
8893.in exchange(引き換えに)
We are also going to offer you someting you need in exchange.
We are really being squeeze.
8895.sweeten the deal(相手の興味をそそる提案)
Maybe we can sweeten the deal.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

There may be some wiggle room though.
I woukd like you to consider alternative plan.
8893.in exchange(引き換えに)
We are also going to offer you someting you need in exchange.
We are really being squeeze.
8895.sweeten the deal(相手の興味をそそる提案)
Maybe we can sweeten the deal.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News