藍 美代子 「ミカンが実る頃」
14041.pay the price(代償を払う、報いを受ける)
If you drink too much,you pay the price with a major hangover.
14042.pay up(かけ金などを全額払う)
Pay up what you owe me for last night's dinner.
14043.pay an arm and a leg(人に法外な料金、高額を支払う)
Tom paid an arm and a leg for that house and the value dropped a year later.
14044.put into(~に入れる、~に注ぐ)
I'd like to thank each one of you for all the effort you put into this project.
I really appreciate your support.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


If you drink too much,you pay the price with a major hangover.
14042.pay up(かけ金などを全額払う)
Pay up what you owe me for last night's dinner.
14043.pay an arm and a leg(人に法外な料金、高額を支払う)
Tom paid an arm and a leg for that house and the value dropped a year later.
14044.put into(~に入れる、~に注ぐ)
I'd like to thank each one of you for all the effort you put into this project.
I really appreciate your support.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
