

ポールとポーラ(Paul & Paula)/ヘイ・ポーラ Hey! Paula.

2013年04月03日 | 私の好きな歌
ポールとポーラ(Paul & Paula)/ヘイ・ポーラ Hey! Paula.

Hey, hey Paula, I wanna marry you
Hey, hey Paula, no one else will ever do

I've waited so long for school to be through
Paula, I can't wait no more for you
My love, my love

Hey Paul, I've been waiting for you
Hey, hey, hey Paul, I want to marry you too

If you love me true, if you love me still
Our love will always be real
My love, my love

True love means planning a life for two
Being together the whole day through

True love means waiting and hoping that soon
Wishes we've made will come true
My love, my love

Hey, hey, Paula, I've been waiting for you
Hey, hey, hey Paul, I want to marry you too
True love means planning a life for two
Being together the whole day through

True love means waiting and hoping that soon
Wishes we've made will come true
My love, my love

(男)ヘイ・ヘイ ポーラ


ヘイ・ヘイ ポーラ


あの時は ふたりとも ポーラ

ただ黙ってた いつまでも

ヘイ・ポール おぼえているわ

ヘイ・ヘイ・ヘイ ポール


あんただけが たいせつな

たいせつな人よ いまもなお


判っちゃう 二人


二つの心 きっときっと

ヘイ・ヘイ ポーラ


ヘイ・ヘイ ポール



判っちゃう 二人


二つの心 きっときっと

Daily Vocabulary(2013/04/03)

2013年04月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
14556.albatross around one's neck(悩みの種、重荷)
I felt empowered by not having that email albatross around my neck all the time.
14557.put off(~うまくやり遂げる、~をうまくやってのける)
I doubt whether I could put off the same feat.
It was inconvenient in terms of family logistics.
14559.get on someone's case(人に文句を言う、人に口出しする)
My wife and kids got on my case about my stubbornness at first.
14560.get into the spirit of things(積極的に参加する、進んで楽しむ)
They got into the spirit of things after a while.
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