Stan Kenton and his orch. - HARLEM NOCTURNE
14656.snare the best deal(最良の取引をものにする、最も得な買い物をする)
Younger people are especially active inusing online shopping and mobile devices to snare the best deal.
14657.a breed apart from(~と違うタイプの人、~とは別の存在)
These Net-savvy consumers are a a breed apart from traditional shoppers.
14658.more bang for one's buck(出費以上の価値、お買い得感)
Consumers and retailers alike are trying to figure out the smartest and most cost-effective ways to shop and get more bang for one's buck.
Many people tried out various ways of mixing onlline and offline shopping to make it a seamless experience.
Online shopping is revolutionizing the whole retail industriy.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Younger people are especially active inusing online shopping and mobile devices to snare the best deal.
14657.a breed apart from(~と違うタイプの人、~とは別の存在)
These Net-savvy consumers are a a breed apart from traditional shoppers.
14658.more bang for one's buck(出費以上の価値、お買い得感)
Consumers and retailers alike are trying to figure out the smartest and most cost-effective ways to shop and get more bang for one's buck.
Many people tried out various ways of mixing onlline and offline shopping to make it a seamless experience.
Online shopping is revolutionizing the whole retail industriy.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
