Almost half of all adult American claim to have worked under an unreasonable boss.
14872.360 review(360度調査、上司、部下、部内外の人による評価)
I'd expect them to mention that in my 360 review.
14873.put something down to(物事を~の所為だと思う、物事が~によるものだと考える)
I put that down to their ability to negotiate the minefeild of office politics.
14874.ultimate survivor(もっとも上手に困難を乗り切る人、逆境に最も強い人)
They are the ultimate survivors.
It is rather fuzzyterm, admittedly.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

香川県 直島ハイキング アートと島を巡る瀬戸内海の四季 瀬戸内国際芸術祭2013(2013.08/31)
Almost half of all adult American claim to have worked under an unreasonable boss.
14872.360 review(360度調査、上司、部下、部内外の人による評価)
I'd expect them to mention that in my 360 review.
14873.put something down to(物事を~の所為だと思う、物事が~によるものだと考える)
I put that down to their ability to negotiate the minefeild of office politics.
14874.ultimate survivor(もっとも上手に困難を乗り切る人、逆境に最も強い人)
They are the ultimate survivors.
It is rather fuzzyterm, admittedly.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

香川県 直島ハイキング アートと島を巡る瀬戸内海の四季 瀬戸内国際芸術祭2013(2013.08/31)