

Daily Vocabulary(2013/09/09)

2013年09月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
14841.controle one' impulse to(~にしたい衝動を抑える)
My friends ultimately managed to controle their impulse to pick up their smartphone.
We were impressed by how well-behaved the kids were.
14843.That is something to write home about(それは実時素晴らしい、それは特筆すべきことだ)
That is something to write home about.
14844.set aside(~をとっておく、確保する)
They set aside a special section for families with little kids and assign who make a point helping their young patrons learn basic dininng etiquette.
We had quite a time getting our Tom to behave himself in restaurant and other place when he was a little tyke.
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