14926.hit the nail on the head(~に追いやられる、放り込まれる)
You've hit the nail on the head.
14927.come down the pike(現れる、出てくる)
Evet time a new interactive technology or app come down the pike.
It is rather ironic in this of social mediaea.
You can make and develop connections through social netwarking services, and onnlim\ne chats and texting.
I just can't be as gourmet as Americans are.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

香川県 直島ハイキング アートと島を巡る瀬戸内海の四季 瀬戸内国際芸術祭2013(2013.08/31)
You've hit the nail on the head.
14927.come down the pike(現れる、出てくる)
Evet time a new interactive technology or app come down the pike.
It is rather ironic in this of social mediaea.
You can make and develop connections through social netwarking services, and onnlim\ne chats and texting.
I just can't be as gourmet as Americans are.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

香川県 直島ハイキング アートと島を巡る瀬戸内海の四季 瀬戸内国際芸術祭2013(2013.08/31)