Officials with Japan's space agency have confirmed their new asteroid probe has entered into orbit. The Hayabusa2 has begun a six-year mission that scientists hope will help them solve some of the mysteries of the universe.
The H2A rocket carrying the probe took off from the Tanegashima Space Center in southwestern Japan at 1:22 PM local time. Officials say Hayabusa2 reached its initial orbit in just under two hours.
The probe is headed for an asteroid that may contain water and organic substances. Hayabusa2 is fitted with a device called an impactor. It's capable of shooting a metal bullet at the asteroid's surface at a speed of two kilometers per second. The impact will create an artificial crater to allow the probe to collect rock and sand. These materials could provide clues about how the solar system came into existence and the origins of life.
◆asteroid probe 小惑星探査機
◆orbit 軌道
◆organic substance 有機物
◆is fitted with ~を装着する
◆artificial crater 人工的なくぼみ
◆solar system 太陽系 [the]
◆came into existence 誕生する、発生する