


2015年08月13日 | 爺英語

Officials in Brazil have decided to implement Japanese-style community policing to improve public safety at the Rio de Janeiro summer Olympics and Paralympics next year.
The officials will introduce the system to address security concerns, with the assistance of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, or JICA. From 2012 to 2014, Rio de Janeiro saw a 50 percent increase in the number of robberies. The Japanese "koban" system discourages crime through integration into the local community and communication with residents.
Officials in Rio are planning to set up neighborhood police boxes at eight locations in the city. Officers will be on duty around the clock and able to assist visitors in various languages.
The koban police system is already being used in other Brazilian cities. In Sao Paulo, officials reported a drop in crime after the Japanese system was introduced.

implement  実施する
address  対処する
discourage  阻止する
integration  統合
officer  警察官
around the clock  24時間体制で

Daily Vocabulary(2015/08/13)

2015年08月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
16821.strong record(確かな実績)
Tom has a strong record of managing big project.
Thank you for showing me the production site and the warehouse.
16823.tax resume(税制度)
Let's see how the tax resume changes.
We'll discuss it internally and get back to you.
I'd like to ask you for a quote.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
