Route 66 - George Maharis
16876smack in the middle of(~のちょうど真ん中に)
It was smack in the middle of jungle. hard pressed to(~するのに苦労する)
I'd be hard pressed to ID anything more than a handful of birds.
16878.hillside perch(丘の中腹にある)
From our hillside perch, all we could see in any direction was endless rain forest.
16879.power line(電線)
There wasn't a single home, hotel, farm, power line or even dirt road in sight.
16880.hook someone up with(人に~を紹介する)
I can hook you up with the travelagency that planned our vacation for us.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

It was smack in the middle of jungle. hard pressed to(~するのに苦労する)
I'd be hard pressed to ID anything more than a handful of birds.
16878.hillside perch(丘の中腹にある)
From our hillside perch, all we could see in any direction was endless rain forest.
16879.power line(電線)
There wasn't a single home, hotel, farm, power line or even dirt road in sight.
16880.hook someone up with(人に~を紹介する)
I can hook you up with the travelagency that planned our vacation for us.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News