

SCHOLARS TO SUE STATE安保関連法の“合憲性” 法廷闘争へ

2015年10月15日 | Daily Vocabulary

A prominent Japanese academic says he will lead a court challenge against the constitutionality of the new security laws.
(Setsu Kobayashi / Professor Emeritus, Keio University)
"Article 9 of the Constitution renounces war and the right of belligerency."
Setsu Kobayashi of Keio University says the laws clearly breach the Constitution. He says he will form a group of about 100 people, including scholars, to sue the state. He adds that he plans to establish a defense counsel of about 1,000 attorneys and file the case with the Tokyo District Court, after the legislation takes effect.
Several other groups and individuals are also planning legal challenges to the new laws.
academic 学者
court challenge  裁判所への異議申し立て、訴訟
constitutionality  合憲性
security  安全保障
renounce (正式に)放棄する
right of belligerency  交戦権
breach  違反する
scholar  学者
defense counsel 弁護団
attorney  弁護士
legislation  法律(制定)
takes effect  (法律などが)施行される
legal challenge 法的な異議申し立て、訴訟

Daily Vocabulary(2015/10/15)

2015年10月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
17131take something into consireration(~を考慮に入れる)
You always seem to take other people's feelings into consireration .
17132.go over the top(やり過ぎる)
I've never seen you go over the top with excessive politeness.
17133.grare at(~をにらみつける)
She grared at as she got out of the elavater.
I don't understand why my well-intentioned gasture got such a negative reaction.
It sure is tought to know how to courteous these days.
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