愛の讃歌 エディット・ピアフ
17996..ranging from~to(~から~までの)
The idea is to offer training in skills ranging from appropriate email greetings to engage in small talk in vrious settings.
17997.get someone on the right track(人を正しい軌道に乗せる)
We want to get you on the right track right away.
17998.hold one's tongue(黙っている)
If you hold your tongue, no one will be any the wiser.
After I drop my daughter off at daycare、I take the train.
I keep my to-do list tucked in monthly planner.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
The idea is to offer training in skills ranging from appropriate email greetings to engage in small talk in vrious settings.
17997.get someone on the right track(人を正しい軌道に乗せる)
We want to get you on the right track right away.
17998.hold one's tongue(黙っている)
If you hold your tongue, no one will be any the wiser.
After I drop my daughter off at daycare、I take the train.
I keep my to-do list tucked in monthly planner.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News