野なかの薔薇 野玫瑰 (日文版) Heidenröslein (Japanese version)
18821.pay it forward(恩送りとは、誰かから受けた恩を、直接その人に返すのではなく、別の人に送ること)
Pay it forward.
18822.treat oneself to(自分へのご褒美として~を買う、楽しむ)
I'd treat myself to a glass of white wine.
18823.random act of kindness(見ず知らずの人に親切にすること)
It's always heartwarming to hear about random act of kindness like that.
18824.You're telling me(全くそのとおりです、百も承知です)
You're telling me.
That was awfully nice of him.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Pay it forward.
18822.treat oneself to(自分へのご褒美として~を買う、楽しむ)
I'd treat myself to a glass of white wine.
18823.random act of kindness(見ず知らずの人に親切にすること)
It's always heartwarming to hear about random act of kindness like that.
18824.You're telling me(全くそのとおりです、百も承知です)
You're telling me.
That was awfully nice of him.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News