18786.stumble over(~につまずく)
Your father stumbled over a curb and fell.
18787.for observation(様子を見るため)
We are keeping him overnight for observation.
18788.be in X's best interests to Y(XすすることがYにとってためになる、良い)
It might be in his best interests to have a caregiver.
18789.be patient(我慢する)
Be patient.
18790.come around(折れる、妥協する)
He'll come around.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Your father stumbled over a curb and fell.
18787.for observation(様子を見るため)
We are keeping him overnight for observation.
18788.be in X's best interests to Y(XすすることがYにとってためになる、良い)
It might be in his best interests to have a caregiver.
18789.be patient(我慢する)
Be patient.
18790.come around(折れる、妥協する)
He'll come around.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News