Banks in India are busy with people rushing to change high-denomination banknotes. The government made a sudden announcement last week that it's taking them out of circulation.
Banks across the country remained open on Sunday. Most people formed long lines and waited patiently to exchange bills or make withdrawals from ATMs. But there was chaos at some banks, where irritated customers shattered windows or argued with tellers.
The government announced last Tuesday that 500- and 1,000-rupee notes would be withdrawn from circulation. It asked people to exchange their notes for newly-printed ones. On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made an appearance to seek support for the measure. He says it's necessary to weed out counterfeit bills and prevent tax evasion.
◆rush to 慌てて~する
◆denomination 貨幣などの単位、額面金額
◆shatter (粉々に)割る
◆make an appearance 姿を現す、登場する
◆weed out (有害なものを)取り除く
◆counterfeit 偽造紙幣
◆overcapacity 脱税