フォスター作曲「金髪のジェニー」Foster~Jeanie with the light brown hair
19066.do one's bit for(~に一役買う、~に貢献する)
The bar industry is also doing its bit for the sustainability movement.
One of my associates took me to a trendy upmarket bar in London.
19068.raw ingredient(生の食材)
REducing costs related to water, energy and raw ingredient can help you save money in the long run.
19069.see the light(理解する、受け容れる、事の道理が解る)
American cousins will see the light soon enough and follow the lead of other countries.
19070.cut down on(~を減らす、~を消滅する)
The dishwasher cuts down on the use of water.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The bar industry is also doing its bit for the sustainability movement.
One of my associates took me to a trendy upmarket bar in London.
19068.raw ingredient(生の食材)
REducing costs related to water, energy and raw ingredient can help you save money in the long run.
19069.see the light(理解する、受け容れる、事の道理が解る)
American cousins will see the light soon enough and follow the lead of other countries.
19070.cut down on(~を減らす、~を消滅する)
The dishwasher cuts down on the use of water.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News