


2017年07月13日 | 爺英語

Japanese teenage prodigy Souta Fujii has achieved the longest-ever winning streak in the traditional board game of shogi.
The 14-year-old Fujii battled Yasuhiro Masuda on Monday in a tournament to decide the challenger for the prestigious Ryuo Championship. The 19-year-old Masuda turned pro three years ago, and is the only teenager besides Fujii in the professional ranks. They are both low-ranking players of the complex game of strategy.
With his latest victory, Fujii has won 29 official matches in a row since his professional debut. He has notched a new record before even finishing junior high school.

(Souta Fujii / Professional shogi player)
"I'm very happy and surprised that I've won 29 straight times. I know my winning streak will end sometime. I'll try not to think about the record, so I can do my best in each match."
prodigy 神童、早熟の天才
winning streak 連勝
prestigious 権威ある、栄えある、誉れ高い
in a row 連続して
notch (勝利や成果を)おさめる、(得点を)上げる
straight 連続した

Daily Vocabulary(2017/07/13)

2017年07月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
20116.take a break(休憩する・息抜き)
Why don’t you take a break? You’ve been studying for five hours.
20117.take a break from(〜(のこと)から一時的に離れる)
I’m going to take a break from Facebook. I waste so much time on it every day.
20118.get some rest(少し休む・ゆっくり休む)
Ready for a Get some rest tonight. We have a busy day tomorrow.
I idolize him when I was a kid
20120.apprentice(昔の徒弟、年季奉公人、初心者、実習生、練習生)レベル:6 大学以上の水準
My father built many houses in my hometown and he trained many apprentice.

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